Body Butters, Creams, Salves, Scrubs & Soaps
A variety of skin solutions: butters, Hemp CBD salve treatment, body cream, body and hair scrubs, creams and soaps.
CocoaNog Body Butter
[Awesome for moisturizing skin, scalp & hair]
Hemp CBD Blue-Chamomile Butter
[Great for body massage & moisturizing skin]
Citrus-Mint Butter Cream
Mango-Mix Body & Hair Butter
Whipped Almond Body & Hair Butter
[Experience supreme moisture, softness & nourishment]

Whipped Pumpkin Body & Hair Butter
[Pumpkin seed oil & butter is another natural repairRaw Organic Shea Butter
[A plant-based moisturizer: Shea Butter delivers rich, intensive hydration to your skin and hair, and soothes dry itchy skin and skin conditions such as eczema]
Hemp CBD Salve
Scrubs & Soaps
Coffee-Mint Face & Body Scrub
Gently cleanse, exfoliate and nourish your skin to discard dead skin cells and reveal new younger looking skin (all over)
Citrus-Mint Clarity Soap
An exceptional combination of natural botanical ingredients that moisturizes and gently cleanse your skin.
Herbal Infused Charcoal Soap
Indulge your face and skin with our herbal infused charcoal soap. It is formulated to gently but deeply cleans, leaving a refreshing feeling and look.

His Garden Naturals Shop
SheaBlack Beard & Face Wash
How To Use: Use a dime or nickel size amount after wetting beard and face. Gently massage wash unto skin and beard in a circular motion to stimulate blood flow and thorough cleansing. After rinsing wash, add a few drops of conditioner, oil or butter and/or conditioning/moisturizing mist for locking in moisture.
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